Cardiopulmonary Rehab

Director: Carrie Weber, RRT




Our Cardiopulmonary programs are designed for patients with a wide range of heart and lung conditions and go far beyond exercise.  Our programs help patients improve their muscle strength and endurance, complete daily activities more easily, learn how to use medications and oxygen correctly, and avoid hospital stays. We are here to improve quality of life and help you recover from surgery or other medical conditions.

  • Cardiac Rehabilitation is a supervised program to help patients reverse the limitations caused by chronic heart conditions or a recent cardiac event. Our cardiac rehab programs provides education and guidance to help patients increase physical fitness, reduce cardiac symptoms, improve health and reduce the risk of future heart problems, including heart attack.
  • Pulmonary Rehabilitation is a supervised program that includes exercise training, health education, and breathing techniques for people who have certain lung conditions or lung problems due to other conditions. Pulmonary rehabilitation can help you gain strength, reduce symptoms of anxiety or depression, and make it easier to manage routine activities, work, and outings or social activities that you enjoy.


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