Latest Updates on Our New Hospital

Building a Healthier Future for Logan County

Stay informed with the latest news and progress!

A Message from Our CEO


Logan County, thank you so much for the opportunity to move forward with a new hospital!

In the almost 2 months preceding the election, I and a team of many others, worked to ensure Logan County voters had the necessary information to cast an informed vote regarding the hospital project. Still, I know we were unable to reach everyone. Therefore, my intent here is twofold.

First, I want to thank you not only for the YES vote, but also for all of the conversations. I appreciate each and every conversation you had with me or one of the team. I know it sometimes takes courage to reach out or agree to a conversation, especially when opinions differ. However, I felt as if conversations were the most effective way to answer questions and address concerns. The conversations showed me that while opinions sometimes differed, there was almost always common ground. I truly appreciated the opportunity to listen and learn more about the wants and desires of the community.

Second, I know that we were likely not able to reach everyone. We worked hard to get information out to everyone through the newspaper, social media, flyers, our website, community meetings, and face-to-face conversations. If any of you felt left out, it was not intentional. Going forward, we will continue to provide information and updates primarily through the newspaper, Facebook, Instagram and

We do not take this opportunity lightly. I and the LCHS staff look forward to serving you better with more services and better accessibility. This is where the real work begins to build a better future of healthcare for Logan County. Thank you again, Logan County.

Aimee Zimmerman, CEO
Logan County Health Services

Funding Sources

Site Plans

Visualize Our Future Hospital

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some common questions about the new hospital project and their answers to help you stay informed.

Why does Logan County Health Services need a new building?

There are several issues with the existing building including an outdated and deteriorating infrastructure, lack of fire suppression systems, and the building is not fully connected to generator power. There is a lack of space in many parts of the building including the clinic, radiology, laboratory, and surgery departments. There is no dedicated space in which to provide access to specialists. The building hampers the ability to provide dignity while caring for patients. The bathrooms in the patient rooms are 22 square feet making use of the toilet and shower with an assistive device difficult, if not impossible. There are also issues with accessibility, efficiency and privacy throughout the building.


    What will be the location of the new hospital?

    The new hospital will be built on site and wrap around the existing Rehabilitation and Wellness Center. Much of the existing hospital will be torn down. The Rehabilitation and Wellness Center will remain where it is. The Logan County Health Department and New Frontiers Health Services will remain and be renovated and repurposed for the Logan County Health Department. The Independent Living apartments will remain in the current location and additional space will be added to the apartments for dining and activities.


      What will happen to the health department?

      The Logan County Health Department will be included in the new building plans. The current health department and New Frontiers Health Services building will be renovated and refaced to meet the needs of the health department. The Logan County Health Department currently operates in a 1500 sq. ft. space. This is much less than the space needed to serve the needs of the health department. Adding the clinic space will increase the usable area to 4200 sq. ft. This also ensures the health department will have generator power to protect vaccines when electrical power is lost.


        I thought a new hospital wouldn’t fit in the current location, what has changed?

        Several things have changed since the building project was first proposed. The size of the latest hospital plan is 10,000 square feet smaller than the original building proposal. This helps the building fit in the existing space and provide for necessary parking. Those were both issues with original plans if built on site. Also, keeping the building on site created potential issues with future expansion. With the new proposal, the architects have developed some creative solutions for future expansion. Building on site will still create some challenges including working around existing structures, extended construction time, and parking issues during construction.


          How much will the project cost?

          This project is estimated to cost $44.9 million. This includes the cost of construction, demolition, furnishings, fixtures, equipment and parking.


            How will the project be funded?

            This project will be funded with hospital funds, sales tax and property tax. The hospital will pay for 53.5% of the project with funds received from Medicare and other hospital monies. Since Medicare pays critical access hospitals a portion of expenses to care for Medicare patients, this increased reimbursement will be used to help pay for the project. Approximately 25% of the project will be paid with county sales tax. Although the ballot question calls for 1% county sales tax, the sales tax rate will go from the current rate of 8.5% to 9%. This is due to the current ½% county sales tax that will no longer be used for the Rehabilitation and Wellness Center. The remaining amount would be covered with 8.75 mills in property tax.


              How will the 8.75 mill levy impact my property taxes?

              See Property Tax section below to help determine individual property tax impact.

                I thought the hospital was going to pay for all of the project. Why did that change?

                A lot has changed over the last four years with inflation and supply chain issues. This has impacted the overall cost of the project significantly and made it impossible for LCHS to fund the entire project. LCHS has worked hard to decrease cost and minimize the impact to tax payers by contributing as much money to the project as possible, significantly decreasing the size of the project, making changes to the proposed HVAC system, and keeping the space currently occupied by the health department and clinic.

                Property Tax Information

                Agricultural Property Tax Increase

                Total Mill Levy – 8.750

                Annual Property Tax
                Annual Cost Per Acre
                Monthly Property Tax

                Dry Crop Land (160 acres)

                Median Use Value: $124/acre




                Irrigated Land (160 acres)

                Median Use Value: $457/acre




                Grass Land    (160 acres)

                Median Use Value: $33/acre




                Commercial Property Tax Increase

                Total Mill Levy – 8.750

                Annual Property Tax
                Annual Property Tax
                Monthly Property Tax
                Daily Property Tax

                $50,000 Property




                $60,000 Property




                $75,000 Property




                $100,000 Property




                $150,000 Property




                $200,000 Property




                Home Owner Property Tax Increase

                Total Mill Levy – 8.750

                Annual Property Tax
                Annual Property Tax
                Monthly Property Tax
                Daily Property Tax

                $50,000 Home




                $60,000 Home




                $75,000 Home




                $100,000 Home




                $150,000 Home




                $200,000 Home




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