How do I prepare for my exam?

Each exam has its own preparations.  Specific instructions will be given when scheduling your procedure.  Our staff will be happy to answer any questions regarding your examination.  For specific questions regarding your health, please consult your ordering provider.

Who reads my exams?

Your exam is sent via computer to our radiologists in a matter of minutes following your procedure. We partner with Plains Radiology Services in Kearney, Nebraska to read exams 24/7.

How do I find out the results of my exam?

Results are usually available within 24-48 hours following your procedure.  These results will be sent to your ordering provider.  You may contact them to discuss your results and ask any questions you may have.

How do I get a copy of my images if I need them?

Your images are stored on a private and secure computer system.  LCHS providers and visiting providers have immediate access to your exam while in the facility.  If you need to take images to an out-of-town provider, a CD of your exam can be made for you. You may request a copy by calling the Radiology Department at 785-672-8140.


In addition, select facilities may be able to access your studies directly upon physician request using a secure internet connection.  We also have the option of providing password protected access for physicians, allowing them access to your studies on a secure website.  By providing these viewing alternatives we can ensure your radiology exams are readily available for your continued care.

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